Land leasing can only take place with a legal instrument from a period of more than one year. All other leases are entered into either by a legal instrument or by an oral agreement, followed by a guarantee of ownership. When a legal instrument authorizes the leasing of land, the lessor and the taker perform this act. It will also be important to distinguish between a sale and a lease in this article. the words « transfer of a right to intensibility indicates that not all property rights are transferred by a lease agreement »; « Sale » is the transfer of ownership for a price. [7] After the hype around the initial research and with the entry into the engagement phase, the Heads of Agreements – or Letter of Intent – or declarations of intent – appear. These documents generally focus on the main terms of the agreement, which indicate the intention to occupy the premises that are the subject of the completion of a lease or lease. These agreed heads are then usually issued to lawyers to prepare the lease or lease. Normally, heads are not considered binding by the parties. For these documents, it is necessary to ensure that their binding or non-binding effects are clarified.
Chiefs must make it clear whether they are binding, non-binding or binding only on the party. Elon Musk[1] said: « Most people in the world prefer to own their property rather than lease someone else`s property through a lease. However, leases offer some important advantages, including a small upfront payment, tax deductions, reduced risk for resale value and ease of return of a car (or property) without the embarrassment of reselling it personally. This statement summarizes the concept, needs and purpose of leasing. Many leases contain user clauses to define the activity in which the tenant or tenant can participate. These clauses protect the property from damage and limit the liability of the landowner or owner. If possible, ask for a maximum usage clause, only if the business develops into other activities.