Sd68 Collective Agreement

If you belong to a bargaining unit that has ratified its 2018-2020 collective agreement, this new agreement will be posted below as soon as it has been prepared, corrected and fully signed by all parties. If it is not displayed below, you can view the ratified memoranda of understanding here (see local negotiations in file updates). If your bargaining unit has not completed negotiations with your school jurisdiction, employers cannot arbitrarily change pay or working conditions. Expiring collective agreements will continue to be fulfilled until a new agreement is ratified. Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools and the CUPE Executive recently met to sign the collective agreement that will be in effect from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022. It was a solemn signature, as both parties were satisfied with the determined result. . . .

We are committed to improving the performance of all students. The district target areas are K-12 Hartriegel graduation rates and graduation rates, literacy/calculus and social responsibility. We are also committed to concluding our second five-year Aboriginal education agreement with our six Aboriginal communities. SD 35 Langley CUPE 1260 Collective Agreement CUPE 1851. The Nanaimo-Ladysmith community actively supports its students and schools through a number of innovative partnerships. SD 44 North Vancouver CUPE 389 collective agreement. SD 27 Cariboo-Chilcotin IUOE 959 Collective Agreement. Collective Agreement D69-FRA-Apr 1-2019 – 31-March 2022 – Family Resources Association SD 59 Peace River South CUPE 4992 Collective Agreement Teamsters 31 Collective Agreement BCGEU SD 5 Southeast Kootenay CUPE 4165 Collective Agreement. Negotiations are underway for the 2018-2020 cycle of the 61 public, distinct and Francophone school jurisdictions. Collective Agreement_July-1-2019_to_June-30-2022 – SD68 SD 42 Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows CUPE 703 Collective Agreement In addition to the 29 elementary schools, 6 high schools and 2 alternative secondary programs, the district also offers the K-7 Learn@Home program, the Learn@Home 8-12 program, the Career Technical Centre and the Aurora program in Gabriola Island. . .
